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Animal Husbandry > Buffalo



Only simple housing is needed to protect the animals from direct sun. If the farmer has only one or two buffaloes, a simple shelter can be made as an extension of the existing building, utilizing the sidewalls of his building.


Length : 3.6 m (manger 0.9, stand 1.8 m)

Breadth : 1.3 m per animal

Height : 3 m in the front. 1.8 m behind the wall; one side brick and cement mortar up to 0.9 m and open above.

Pillars : Brick and cement or bamboo or any locally available timber

Floor : Flat stone or cement concrete, slope to one side, rough finish. At least one foot above the ground.

Roof : Thatch, tile or asbestos

Housing of heifers and calves

If only two or three calves and heifers are available they may be housed along with the adult animals. If the number is more, it is better to accommodate them separately. Floor space requirement for a heifer is about 3.0 to 3.5 m2. The same for calf is about 2.5 m2. They are not tied inside the shed and are generally housed in groups.

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