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Agriculture > Pulses > Red gram (Cajanus cajan)

Climate and soil

Red gram (pigeon pea) is less suitable for the tropics. The most favourable temperature range is 18-30ºC. The crop is grown at a wide range of elevation. Red gram can be grown in almost all soil types that are not very poor in lime and are not subjected to waterlogging. Optimum growth and yield are obtained in deep loam soils. Red gram can be grown as mixed crop with groundnut, paddy or tapioca or as a pure crop.

Variety –SA 1

Seed rate and sowing

Pure crop - 15-20 kg/ha
Mixed crop - 6-7 kg/ha

Sowing can be done in two seasons. As a mixed crop, sow the seeds in June-July. When sown with groundnut, spacing recommended between rows is 3 to 3.5m. Red gram can also be sown in paddy fields after the harvest of mundakan crop (either broadcast or dibbled). In the dibbled crop, a spacing of 35 cm between rows is recommended. Thinning is to be done, if necessary.

Intercultural operations


Lime - 500 kg/ha
Cattle manure - 3t/ha
N - 40 kg/ha
P2O5 - 80kg/ha

Weeding and intercultivation once in three weeks will ensure a good crop.

Plant protection

Pod borer is the main pest. For controlling this, spray the crop with 0.05% Quinalphos suspension at the time of flowering. The blister beetle, Zonabris gregariously feeds on the flowers. Against this, Malathion 10% DP may be applied at the flowering stage.


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